Survive Without Student's Loan in Diploma Year
Hi, there it's been quite long time since I didn't update my blog due to some circumstance make it delay for me to being up-to-date. After ending my viva for my internship, I feel more ease because I just need wait for the result.This seem like my diploma year will end soon. So, I'm happy about it for able to survive during the diploma year successfully even there so many thing came up along the way but I manage to go through it. I really appreciate for those who really support me during my thick and thin along this journey. I know there's still a long way for me to go through in this life especially in term of education and absolutely life. Let's look forward toward my life that I never knew what will happen in life.
Back to the topic, I would to share some tips//story//things that I do in order to survive my diploma year without a student's loan, scholarship or any sponsorship.
Back then I really don't know what I will do in the future, during fill in the application form I literally just choose the course that sound rare and kinda promising for me to study. Then I just choose Diploma in Textile Technology as my first choices. Lucky not so lucky, I get this course to be major in. What! I really don't know anything about this, most of people that I know never share or tell about this kind of course. In order to secure myself as a university's student, I just say yes to this course. (I will update another post regarding how "fun" this course is). This course take 3 years to be completed or 6 Semesters basically without any extend. 3 years I survive with little amount of money... luckily I'm still alive and manage to go through it.
Let's proceed to the "money" term in order to survive in life. Most of my friends took student loan for pay to the study. At first I would like to take the loan but after discussing with my mom and see how the other people struggle to pay back the loan make me change my mind. In this era with the unpleasant economy make me decided to not taking loan for my diploma year. To be honest my parents are not rich and they don't save any money for me to further study. As my father is a security guard and my mother just do small errands by selling dessert they don't make much money. The monthly pay just enough for us to survive for a month basically with the debt and others. So, how did I survive?
(1) Semester Fee
Luckily the university that I attend had the lowest fee for every semester. I only required to pay for RM 480/ per semester include all the facilities and hostel. So, my mom used to pay for me using her Employee Provident Funds (EPF) // Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP). You guys should discuss with your parents how to make this thing work. Sometimes, parents wanted us to be independent but in my case my mom didn't want me to have debt before working. That's why she willing to scarified her saving for me. (thank you, Ma!) If not during semester break you guys could just do some part-time job !
(2) Food
You really need to practice budget for the food since you need to buy food every single day twice a day depends on how you use your energy. In my case I usually skipped breakfast (I know it's bad, but I need to survive), I will eat either lunch or dinner depends on how much money that I own. You need to learn be starving in order to survive. Try to being smart while choosing the meal, each of the dish might have different price. So, I usually go for rice and veggies and rarely protein food because it's too pricey. If I'm craving into something I will use my saving and eat it only during weekend. The food seller always said " Only veggies?" to me whenever I need to pay. (In order to survive) Maybe you guys can found another ways to survive on food. As for me this is quite worth it because I will have some money left for saving :)
(3)Books // Notes // Etc...
Books for my course doesn't required much so another plus point for my course, if any assignment required book you just can borrowed from the library. Basically, I just print some lecturer's note using my own printer with the low ink colour. So, just need to spend on ink every semester. Others, stuff need to use during class or assignment I just use some of the pocket money that my mom usually wire to me through my bank.
Basically, that's a few ways for me to remain survival during the Diploma Year without a student loan. Some of you might think it's seem unreal or not sound so good. You guys, can use your way to survive. I have seen so many people with their own way to survive. Choose your life wisely. Don't make money control instead control the money. Some stupid tips that might work but it's work really well to me.
*Happy study and strive to success*
P/S : I look really petty and cheapskates !!! But I think maybe I will take student loan for my degree later on :) Wish me well so that I can achieved PhD before 30 years old :*
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