I need a psychiatrists !

Assalamualaikum and Greetings !
Have you found a person who hate to answering phone's call?! Yes, one out of that person is me. I'm just hate to answering call and make a phone call. For me it just so ugh, it's just a waste and doesn't an urgent matter tho. I'm just talk to the phone maybe once a week with my family, other than that I just communicate through WhatsApp group. A message, not phone call mostly. Is that symptoms when someone just hate to answering phone call? I don't know this things just wondering me because every time when people call me I'm don't answer it, instead I will text them and ask why? Ohhh most people get offended with my behavior. The next things, is that my phone always in silent or vibrate mode. Yup, I can't stand phone ringing or any what. Especially, ringing from my phone. It just make me annoyed with it. Is that not my phone keep ringing from the call or anything. I know most people don't get it, what is wrong with me aite. But this two things not answering call and phone always in silent mode the random thing that I couldn't change it. If me had a mental problem or what?! Help me! XO


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